Another lovely Valentine's Day has past. I baked over 60 cupcakes, made over 60 chocolate lollipops, and 60 Valentine's Day cards for the kid's parties at school. Phew.
Davis informed me weeks ago that all she wanted for Valentine's Day was a black lab Webkinz. So I went online to Amazon and ordered one knowing I would never find one around here. {see, I've learned not to run around crazy looking for something} William was easy, I just went and bought more Ninjago legos. {they are pretty cool} For Neal, chocolate peanut butter cups has always been the way to his heart :)
Anyway, school vacation is next week. So excited not to be a slave to a routine. Neal is involved in another huge project at work and will be away for a few days so we are laying low. I have plans to visits the Art Museum one day, Museum of Science another day, and then hopefully attend a concert. {Davis starts piano so we're trying to keep her excited about lessons} Add in some movies, lunches, and playdates and I believe we have a full week ahead.
What are your plans for vacation? If you say Disney, or anywhere warm, I'll hate you :) Teasing. {not really} I so need Spring to come... today was over 50 degrees and I actually put my roof down on my car. Just gorgeous... though I believe on Saturday we will be back to 30 degrees. wah :(