A few photos from Easter.
Is it me... or does this year seem to be flying by? Next week, it's May. Good grief. Let's slow it down :)
I've been busy with work, family and prepping my gardens. The kids are on vacation this week and since Neal is working on a huge contract we can't take time off. Which is fine by me. I'm enjoying the down time.
My sister Renée bought a pug a few days ago. That would be Gracie in the photos above. Cute huh? We have babysat her a couple of times. The kids LOVE her. Montana, my yellow lab, not so much. It just confirmed what I thought...bringing another dog into our home would be unfair to Montana. He had no tolerance for Gracie, which I found pretty amusing. Unlike me, who wants time to slow down, you could tell Montana was thinking, grow up pup, and then, maybe we'll play :)