For those of you who live in Boston, when was the last time you hung out in Faneuil Hall Marketplace? For me, it had been well over ten years since I had been there. We decided it would be fun to bring the kids there. So one warm afternoon, during their Spring break we took a trip downtown or rather, to Government Center. We had fun + felt totally like tourists :)
Will + Davis had balloon hats crafted by Rami Salami, the clown. A surly fellow, with a sense of humor befitting adults. I should mention, Davis hates clowns. I had to convince her that he wasn't scary and he was nice.{This from a self proclaimed, coulrophobic. I don't know what it is, but clowns just freak me out :)} Ha. His name alone broadcasts, "warning, warning i am not normal, I'm a clownl" :)
Anyway, the lure of having a balloon hat overrode this fear + the hats came out great.
Later that day we watched another street performer. I forget the guy's name, but he was basically an escape artist. I don't know what disturbed me more, the guy hanging upside down trying to get out of a straight jacket, or both my kids saying, I hope he falls! What? What happened to my sweet kids!?