So what do we think of 2009 so far? Too early to tell? :)
Thought I'd show you what I put together for the kid's teachers. I always give money towards the class gift, but enjoy putting together packages that are just from Will + Davis too.
For Davis, there are so many people to put packages together for: her main teacher and her assistant, the Spanish teacher that Davis just adores, the woman who changes her clothes when she gets wet or dirty (which is at least once a week} the librarian who helps Davis pick out great books, the two women who take care of Davis during lunch bunch, the head of school and her assistant. That's a total of nine. phew. For William, I only had to make four packages up. One for his Kindergarten teacher and her assistant, but also for the first grade teacher + her assistant. {William spends the morning in the 1st + 2nd grade class for math + reading}
I used brown paper bags and made up custom tags for each package. In November, when I had a lot of silkscreen ribbon orders, I decided
to make up some holiday ribbon for myself. You'll see that I
silkscreened red twill ribbon with the words, "happy holidays from the
yarrantons" I think it made the packages feel more personal. I created the tags in Adobe Illustrator, and printed them out on one of my printers. I made homemade truffles, sweet + spicy pecans + chocolate covered preztels. I bought a little can of hot coco mix from Crate + Barrel as well as some ornaments. I included some of my holiday tags + notebooks. Nothing too much, but hopefuly enough to make the teachers smile and let them know how much we appreciate all they do for our kids. :)