Every now and then I forget about projects I worked on. When I finish one project, I just normally move on to the next. Well, I finished these announcements about a month ago for my friend Erin, who happens to be married to my cousin Jeff. Erin wanted me to design baby announcements but also have them serve as her holiday card. Double duty :) I forgot to take a photo of the inside card, but inside is the cutest photo of her two other children holding their new brother. Anyway, I always enjoy working on announcements and invitations. They are fun and creative to work on.
Lots of holiday happenings this weekend. I think we will be getting our tree today, which is always fun. I will finish decorating the house. Yesterday I bought a gingerbread house kit for Will + Davis to do. I love that they are still so young and easy to please. Oh, and I need to finish our holiday card and get those in the mail by the end of the week. Have a great weekend everyone. Thanks for stopping by.