I've been busy filling orders for some custom wine + gift tags. This order was for BoozeBros.com. They have an online store as well as a brick and mortar store in Las Vegas. They sent me their logo and asked me to create custom wine tags as well as square gift tags. Take a look at their site... you can order directly from there, and if you do, you'll see my tags on your bottles. Perfect for buying gifts for the upcoming busy holiday season! Everyone appreciates a nice bottle of wine :)
For many years we hosted Thanksgiving, but this year we'll be at my mum + dad's house. It's a bit nice, in that we don't have to do a lot. I'm bringing some apps + a few other things. I shopped last week so I would not be in the stores with all the crazy people. Though yesterday, in the pouring rain, I stopped by the local supermarket to pick up three things of Land O' Lake Butter. It was only $1.99. Score! {you know you are old when things like this excite you!}
Oh, today we are making some Truffles. I made some last week and boy are these yummy. I'll post the recipe {which I found on a food blog} and some photos. They are very easy to make and eat!