Yesterday I received my package for the 5 Senses Swap. Can I tell you how awesome it was? Raesha from "my love" blog had me... {I had no idea she had me... I had assumed the person I was preparing for had me...}
So what did I receive... let me count'em:
1. sight:
a scrapbook kit to make my own little booklet. Includes grommets and tags, basically everything you need to make something special
2. touch:
salty margarita foot scrub. Good thing it's said touch, otherwise I would have eaten it! :)
3. taste:
yummy jolly ranchers and lifesaver gushers. (almost gone already!)
4. sound:
a terrific CD called "on the mountain" featuring so many of my favorite artists including a good friend of ours, Susan Tedeschi. {who is an awesome blues singer... my two sisters just hung out with her at Jazzfest in New Orleans last week. You should definitely check her out! (oh the net proceeds for this CD was donated to the Wilderness Society.}
5. smell:
before i opened the package up I could smell something beautiful. Peach + apricot sorbet potpourri will make my home smell delicious.
Pretty good huh? How thoughtful was Raesha?
Well, I'm finishing up my swap package to Erin Scissorhands. I'll show what I sent once she's received it.
Now I'm off to make more tags!