Magic beans? I think so! "Believe it or not, each bean has a word lasered onto one side, and a complementary image on the other." All one has to do to see the "message" is grow the bean."
How cool is that? What a great little gift this would make! I found these last week while surfing and had to track down the link. I found them at a terrific site called Spoon Sister. Definitely worth a visit.
I do a lot of work on the computer. But I also do a lot of things by hand, which means that I make my fair share of mistakes. Often I hear "command z" go off in my little head. Wouldn't that be wonderful if that worked in life? Alas, it doesn't. So, there is still a huge need for this huge eraser.
Neal and I decided before the kids were born that we did not want them to have a pacifier. And I am happy we made that decision, especially when I see three + four year olds with a "binky" in their mouths. {no offense to anymore who's baby does enjoy one} But as I understand it, a "binky" is equivalent to a bad crack habit... if they don't get their fix, they get cranky + irrational.
This would surely break the habit, no? :)
The 5-minute candles. Because sometimes, that's all the time you need.
“Karma” according to ancient traditions is the sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do. The effects of all deeds actively create present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain in others. In other words, “what goes around, comes around”. Wear this necklace as a reminder to keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving.