Remember how my Plan B for William sorta died and I had to pray that Plan A would worked out? Well, last Monday, I finally got through to an actual person at the school of Plan A, to ask when the acceptance/rejection letters would be going out.
Here’s how that conversation played out.
“Oh, the acceptance letters went out weeks ago.” a very cheerful voice announced.
Can you say, “sh*t?.”
I can...and did. Mind you I said it in my head. All I needed was for Davis to hear me swearing. With my luck, my little mimic would say “sh*t, sh*t, sh*t.” in a store + I’d be privy to all those wonderful judgmental stare that other mum’s save up for other mums like me. No thanks.
“Hello?” asked the woman on the other end of the phone.
Deep breath. {on my end}
“Ohhhh. So I guess if I didn’t receive a letter, we did not get in.” I managed to squeak out.
Sensing my disappointment she quickly said, “Oh, I’m sorry... You know what, give me your name and let me look you up.”
So I gave her our name. And she put me on hold.
I continued with my diatribe of, “sh*t, sh*t,, sh*t,.”
“Oh yes, you’re right here. You’re at the very tippitty top of the waiting list.” she announced in her ever so chipper voice.
“Ok, that’s good, I guess...When do you think we’ll hear if we made it in?” and then I said a bunch of things that I can’t remember because I think I was in a bit of shock.
She promised to call me back the next day because it looked like the head of the school had put a special mark on our applications, which clearly indicated “something”, but she wasn’t sure what.
So two days passed. When she finally called she said that she had spoken with the head of the school, and indeed that mark meant that we were next in line. They really wanted us, but they needed to extend acceptance to the existing students first, and if any of them declined we would get their places.
They felt confident that some spots would open up for us. She then went on and on about how they loved my application {I retyped it, made it legible + pretty} and are hoping that they can use it for next year.
Ahhhh, what?
As I said to Neal, I’m a nice person. At least I try to be. I like to help out where I can. {you know I’m all about good karma} I redid their crummy application because documents should be readable. That’s not just good design, that’s just common sense. But if I’m being honest {and about 80% of the time I am :) I redid the application because it’s not beneath me to pull out all the stops, work all + any angles to benefit my kids. You’d do that too, right :)
The School can clearly benefit from a good designer. But I’m not a pushover. If my kids don’t get in to this school ... There’s no way I’m giving them the files for their application. I cross the line at that much good will :) That shouldn’t bite me in the ass, should it?
So I thought about posting another “no school” for you nazi post. But I thought, don’t be reactive. Plus, I didn’t want everyone feeling bad for me. Things did sound positive + and who knows, we might get in after all. And guess what? We have! We’re in. Yahoo!
Now we just have to figure out how to pay for it all :)