Here are some fun photos of my sweet William. Clean from a tub, wearing his nice warm pjs, and his monster slippers. For the longest time, Will would not wear those slippers. {his Aunt Renée gave them to him} He was so scared of them. So, they poked out from under a little chair in his room. Now, he's four. He's big. He's brave. {all according to William} I'm just so glad he wears them now. His new Robeez slippers won't be arriving till next week and it's been cold!
We were out today, running tons of errands. William + Davis "bought" me these flowers because, "we love you mum!" Aren't they beautiful? The flowers are pretty too :)
Well, I've been tagged by Zoe for six weird things! Here are the rules:
People who get tagged need to write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
Well, I checked out a bunch of other blogger's who have been tagged. And I have to tell you, there are a lot of weird people out there, with a lot of weird traits, habits, etc. :)
I had Neal {my husband} read my "weird list" and this was his response.
"kittykat, you don't understand the term "weird". Weird means, "I like to lick my dogs tongue. I like to save money by shopping for already opened food, or bruised fruit. I'm afraid dear, you're just not weird."
well, weird or not, here goes:
1. I don't like my lattes/coffee/tea really hot. I like my "hot" beverages slightly hotter than lukewarm. {I suppose this is more safe, than weird.}
2. I like to make "to do lists" everyday. Of course I use one of my beautiful TaylorBooks to jot down all my notes + lists in. I then like to keep my old notebooks for fear that I'll need to find some information that I wrote down in my book. {I think this is more obsessive than weird.}
3. I have a slight obsession with handbags. I change my bag all the time to match an outfit. If I know I'll be seeing a certain friend/person, I change my bag to one that I know they will adore.
4. I like to write with a nice roller ball fine point pen {I hate fat point pens}. {again, this is a slight obsession} I like montblancs etc. But I have lost a few of them. {actually I know they were stolen} and so now, I never take my good pens out of my studio for fear of loss. {Which i think is more sad, than weird.}
5. I don't like eating out of a bag or watching anyone eat out of a bag. That's why they make bowls people :) {ok, this is a bit weird, right?}
6. Some people buy yarn, fabric, buttons etc. I buy paper. I can't not go into a paper store, and not buy a sheet of paper. Ever.