Nothing thrills me more than getting a new handbag. And, if said handbag was one of these, I'd be ecstatic. See, I'm easy to please :) The only problem is... which one, they are all great.
:: never forget that the post powerful force on earth is love :: nelson rockefeller
Davis has a bunch of socks that are stitched to look like little mary janes shoes. And without fail, whenever she wears them out and I take off her shoes, everyone around "oooh + aaaah" They are that cute. Can you believe I found mary jane rain boots? Yes I did :) I think these are a must for every little girl.
I always wanted The Bugaboo Stroller. But seeing that the price is three times more than we wanted to spend, I never got one. Boo hoo for me. Aren't they gorgeous? Maybe someday when I'm a nana I'll buy one for Will or Davis and live vicariously through them. hee.